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The Libertarian Party of Russia holds registration convention

 Roughly one hundred libertarians, from 44 regions of Russia, plus some guests and journalists came to the Moscow Maxima Plaza hotel on Saturday March 9, 2013, to take part in what has already been described as the biggest libertarian political convention in the country ever. According to the Russian legislation, a convention like this is needed for a political party to embark on the long and arduous course of having itself officially recognized and registered by the (reluctant) authorities, which may eventually lead to the party standing for elections in the future. 

The meeting was led by Andrey Shalnev, the authorized representative of the Convention Steering Committee, and Andrey Silikin, a Party member from St Petersburg.

The Convention approved, not without debate, a package of underlying Party documents including the Statute, the Platform, the Declaration of Principles and the Program. As one might expect, the section of the Program that deals with ‘intellectual property rights’ proved a kind of bone of contention since the subject is still regarded by a minority of libertarians in Russia as controversial.
It took about two hours of secret ballot to elect members of the Federal Committee, including Chairman and Vice Chairman, the Party Board of Arbitration and the Supervisory Committee. From now on, the Federal Committee will have working on its team such notable figures of the Russian opposition scene as the journalist, writer and activist Vera Kichanova, the musician and activist Vladimir Osenin and the journalist and businessman Alexander Simontsev from the Far East megalopolis of Khabarovsk .

See also: 5th Adam Smith Forum Hits New Attendance High About IV Adam Smith ForumAbout Libertairan party of Russia,  Vera Kichanova's interview by Washington PostVera Kichanova: Russia's Opposition Must Go Bold, Even In Starting Small